Welcome To Your Passionate Life
My mission is to inspire passionate living in the hearts of the willing so that we all bring our LIGHT to the world.
A personal message from Ratika Hansen...
I invite you to peruse this site as a diverse array of insight, information, and inspiration gathered from many different places, and in many different ways, all in the name of creating a passionate life.
I have explored all of these myself and share with you only the best of the best! If you are curious, I am happy to chat about any and all of the resources I list here.
Join my community below to be a part of our ongoing conversation about creating passion in our daily lives. For pearls of wisdom to brighten your day, visit www.Facebook.com/ToYourPassionateLife.
I am honored to be on this journey with you. Here’s To Your Passionate Life!
Peruse. Explore. Play.
Dream. Relax. Have fun.
The Passion Test
The Passion Test is the #1 tool for discovering your passions and life purpose. It changed my life and can change yours too!
Ratika's Blog
Practical and inspirational articles about creating a passion-based life and finding work-life balance.
Books Co-authored by Ratika
Inspired by The Passion Test
A collaboration with 16 transformation leaders including Janet Bray Attwood, co-author of The New York Times Bestseller, The Passion Test. Read Ratika's chapter, "Manifesting Magic."
Your Shift Matters
Discover how 25 amazing people turned burnouts and breakdowns into breakthroughs! Read Ratika's chapter, "Madness, Sadness, and a Little Badassness."
Awakening the Amazing in You
Read Ratika's chapter, "Reinventing Remarkable" as she navigates caring for her young children, coping with an unlikely surgery, and bringing her work team together, during the uncertainty and chaos of a global pandemic.
"I feel much more passionate [after Ratika’s class.] I attended because I was feeling so uninspired and bored by the current situation, I needed to unlock something in me. Class was great and accomplished that – the exercises were great and the way she explained them and the examples were spot on. Great material, great presentation, very timely. THANK YOU!"
—Deanna T.
"My mindset has completely shifted to being much more mindful about what it truly means for me to live a passionate life… I am leaving the class with a much more grateful mindset and holistic perspective."
—Kaila K.
"If you want to put a spring in your step and have a system that helps reinforce the valuable and the not-so-valuable to you – on a personal level, then this is the class for you."
—Lynda R.
"I went into the workshop thinking it was going to be a roadmap to help me get to my next chapter of life. I found this to be a much more enlightening way of looking at my life and how my choices can be guided by what matters most to me."
–Marilyn S.
"Working with Ratika has provided a new perspective and decision-making process on the ‘right’ choices to make in all aspects of my life... My own passion has never made it into the decision-making process before."
–Taiga R.
"The exercises have taken me on a journey of self-exploration. Prior to the workshop I knew had the drive to achieve anything I wanted to, but lacked the structured framework to prioritize what I needed to go after. The journey has given me that clarity by listing them down and forcing myself to prioritize."
–Siddharth R.
"I have greater clarity about what’s truly important for me when I’m living my best life. Ratika was so skillful in guiding the conversation. The course gave me a ton to think about and process."
–Sara S.